JavaScript Plus! 6.1 is a useful JavaScript editor for Windows based systems, for creating, saving, and reusing suitable code for JavaScript, CSS. HTML and XHTML projects. It includes JavaScript, CSS and HTML references for making easier the deployment of all the necessary code to create web pages.
The application is full of extras and utilities for previewing HTML pages, uploading to FTP server, inserting special effects, special characters, color selections, HTML toolbar, highlighted syntax, line number, multiple undo / redo facility, "Intellisense" for JavaScript typing help, etc., as well as all kind of text browsers for JavaScript, HTML and CSS scripts, wizards, tag modification, popup windows, combobox, buttons, etc.
Also includes an special wizard (tutorial) for creating variables, arrays, expressions, prompt windows, html tags, etc.
Extras for inserting calendars, templates for days, months, colors, country names, JavaScript toolbars, expressions creation tutorial, etc.
Test wizard for testing JavaScript functions, Image browser, FTP uploader, search and replace facilities with regular expressions support.
Good help file and online help.